Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Fucking car.

I don't know what I'm going to do with this piece of shit 1993 Toyota Corolla that I have. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this car to death. It's my transformer, aka deathbot. However, it's requiring me to throw money at it like a desperate hooker.


Yesterday, my car wouldn't start for work so I had to get a ride to and from work from Mark. Thanks to my darling for doing so. Then when I got back to his apartment it still wouldn't start so clearly I had to replace the battery. Mark was again an amazing gentleman and completed this task for me. I was so AGGRAVATED and SO TIRED! I definitely was not being as nice as I could have been lol. This morning the car starts up just fine. No problems. When I get to work however, I tried to lock my doors with my automatic lock system. Oh surprise! Doesn't work! I have been experiencing some problems with my locks lately so I guess I should have expected the automatic lock system to go out at some point in time. Like for example, I can't unlock my driver side door from the outside. I have to walk over to the passenger side and do it from there. A while ago though, my passenger side door locks also broke and I wasn't able to get into my car AT ALL if I didn't just leave the bitch unlocked. I toed the line with that for a while and then finally the passenger side door lock randomly started working again. On top of this nonsense, the new cd player that I got for my birthday just over a year ago in my car is no longer working. It's not reading or playing my cd's. =[

WTF YOU BASTARD CHILD CUNTADACTYL WHORE!!! Stop trying to drain my bank account when I'm trying to prepare to sale you! I think she senses that I have to get rid of her and she's putting up a fight lol. You little bitch, mama loves you!

I was exhausted last night so no book report yet. I have started the next book in the series though. I'm excited to see where the story goes.

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