Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can't fuckin stand

FUCKIN LAZY ASS MORONS. I got a parking ticket when I volunteered for the police department for like a week and they told me several times it would be taken care of. . .OF COURSE THEY NEVER FUCKING TAKE CARE OF IT AND now I'm being taken to the collections agency for $60.00 when the fucking ticket was originally $25.

I threw a fucking fit on the guy who told me they were going to get it taken care of timely manner today and this on all on them. I told him I wanted a fucking letter that states I was never being held responsible for the ticket but the department was going to take care of it and that I am not at fault for not having this ticket taken care of in a timely manner. I AIN'T PAYING SHIT! Don't sit there and fucking assure people on something if it aint fucking going to get done. I can't stand the fucking fact that if you want anything done and done right you gotta do it your GOD DAMN SELF.

This fuckin prick is so lucky I don't take this shit to his chief because this is FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!

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